South-Eastern Sydney Regional Business Awards

NSWBC Business Awards

We’re thrilled that Worth Property Investing was selected as a winner at the recent 2017 South-Eastern Sydney Regional Business Awards. The NSW Business Chamber’s Business Awards celebrates business excellence in NSW by recognising and rewarding outstanding businesses whose passion, determination, innovation and success inspire other businesses and business people. Worth Property Investing has a real […]

Is Bigger Really Better?


I’m often asked by client’s, what land size is ideal for an investment property. This is a loaded question as the answer can be subject to the client’s personal investment strategy, for example they may intend to later develop or subdivide the land. My approach is straight forward, I purchase investment properties for my clients […]

Insurance… is your policy Worth the paper it’s printed on?

Insurance paperwork

Not having your real estate investment appropriately protected is risky. Insurance can give you peace of mind and confidence that your investment property will be looked after should something go wrong. In most cases, the buyer is responsible for the property from 5pm the next business day after the contract date, be mindful this is […]

Due diligence… is it Worth the Time and Money?

Crystal Ball

I was recently asked by a client if due diligence was a waste of time and money. I was surprised that someone would ask this question, especially if they were about to invest their hard-earned money into an investment property. After digging deeper there was an assumption made by my client that sellers always do […]

Unit Buyers Risk Investment Suicide

I usually find Australian real estate investors have a certain type of investment property in mind. That could be a house, apartment, duplex or townhouse. There are pros and cons to each investment type, however the game is changing for the apartment market. The Australian property market is enormous, however there is a growing trend […]